Monday, October 31, 2022

New Release: Cauldrons and Capers: A Mystic Mountain Wildlife Rescue Mysteries Short Story by Rune Stroud

Congratulations to Rune Stroud on the release of the cozy paranormal mystery short story Cauldrons and Capers: A Mystic Mountain Wildlife Rescue Mysteries 
Cauldrons and Capers: A Mystic Mountain Wildlife Rescue Mysteries Short (Mystic Mountain Wildlife Rescue Cozy Mystery)
by Rune Stroud
October 2, 2022
A Halloween Prank, or a magical mishap?

Autumn, witch and wildlife rescuer, is called on by her cousin Rowan to help with a case that looks very much like a Halloween prank. The local candy maker's cauldron has gone missing, and the only evidence left behind are odd animal tracks.

When they find the cauldron, will the thief get a punishment or a sweet reward?

About the Author:
Rune has been telling tall tales since the age of five. Ghost stories and other paranormal tales are her favorites, especially if they’re funny.

When she was a child, she had an invisible friend. Now that she’s gotten older, she collects weird characters and odd people, both in her books and in real life. She’s a veteran, a mom, and a grandma. She’s also trainable. As proof, the squirrels have trained her to refill the bird feeder on command, and a local stray cat trained her to feed him even though he rewards her with hissing and won’t let her pet him.

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